Monday 3 June 2013

Taking the Scenic Route

On the way home:
I stood next to the taxi, immediately regretting not taking an electric rickshaw. Of course the A/C broke, the cars always do, but this driver bested them all. His entire car broke down near the sea link toll bridge. As he fiddled with the engine, I stared out into the ocean… so polluted not even the poor dare wash there. The driver fixed the rig, and we continued our journey. He became lost, to my irritation, and drove me 45 min more than he needed. I still paid the same rate that I thought was more than generous. 150 rupees, or 3 bucks.

Just the Tip of the Day: Crossing streets in Asia is the closest you might get to a reality frogger series. Jump on it Fox. Ian Breeze could be your William Hung

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