Monday, 17 June 2013

Now that she's back in the atmosphere...

I did it, I rode that train. Come on ride the train hey ride it woo woo. Come on ride the train hey ride… 

Anyways, I was told riding the train in Mumbai is life threatening and scary… Maybe I went at the wrong time? Even my co-workers told me not to go without them. I must say… kind of a disappointment on the adrenaline rush level. I later learned its because I utilized the public transportation on the weekend. And not at rush hour. Still I got some pretty cool pictures. 

They have 1st class tickets (which are priced higher to basically cut down on volume in the one car), and compartments for women (good for you India), but no one really checks the tickets haha. I still bought the 1st class because I didn’t know what to expect. The doors do not close (fresh air and instant death policy), and at rush hour, apparently they are hanging out the sides. Fans also in the car brought some relief. Anyways, here are the awesome pictures! Round trip First class = 120 rupees or around 2 USD. Now why would I take the dishonest cabbie ride to Colaba that would actually take longer? Loving me some train

Just the Tip of the Day: I would recommend all females stay on the female only compartment, or in 1st class with a group if its not rush hour. 

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