Monday 10 June 2013

Rainy Days, Good food

Rainy Sundays, just makes you want to lay in bed all day watching movies, but a man has to eat. I walked to a restaurant near me called Eat just around the corner. The place was very tidy, modern, and nice. The concept is counter ordering, which is how they keep costs low I guess. I will definitely be back. Look at the size of that small salad!

 Mozzarella, tomatoes, on romaine… mmmm

Look at that chicken burger and fries!

Okay the chicken burger wasn’t that great, but I made that choice, and all for 560 rupees which menas with the exchange rate I received the first night at my hotel, the total was 10.63. Nice….

Just the Tip of the Day: One word with regards to working in India during monsoon: Galoshes 

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