Monday, 1 July 2013

Whippin out the GoPro

Finally busted out the GoPro! I am slowly but surely mastering the secret photo. The problem I think was I was walking to fast; therefore, most came out blurry. I am becoming obsessed with the local train stations with the open air doors, fans, and sheer thrill. On my way back, the train was crowded (now I understand what everyone was telling me). The fight begins before the train stops, people jumping off, people jumping on, shoving and pushing. I am pretty sure they mean no harm or insult… but man I wanted to deck someone. Thank goodness I am larger than most of the population. Can’t wait for the Big Guy to get here haha. I think the train is even harder for a foreigner though. We are the prime targets for pickpockets, so there is all this fighting… and we have to do it one handed. I kept all my valuables (camera, wallet, etc) in my front pant’s pockets with my hand firmly in the pocket. The other arm was for the pushing and shoving. Hopefully, the camera skills will improve, and I promise video at some point!

Just the Tip of the Day: Apparently, just because some one punches or pushes you doesn't mean they want to fight or cause you harm... interesting.

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