Wednesday 17 July 2013

It's fun to stay at the.. I - N - D - I - A

I promised you two wild and crazy guys.. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. First post… the Hard Rock CafĂ©! Cheesy? Sure Overpriced? Yea Murican? You bet your pretty little tush! I needed  had to eat some beef, so I figured this might be the place. Oh and it was. Also? The DJ somehow stole my CD from highschool and slipped it into their overwhelmingly powerful sound system. Sweet Child O’Mine? Check. System of a Down? Check RATM? Check. Nickelback? …. Sadly checked (hey I was young!). At any rate, the dining experience wouldn’t be complete without a gimmick. Today’s gimmick was for the servers to stand up on a ledge, have dance offs, and all around be entertaining at different points during the night. Now, why my waiter was grinding on a ledge instead of getting me a beer? I will never know, but still… made for some good video. Never say I didn’t give you the real Indian experience. You are probably thinking the slums, beggars, cabbies etc., but NO! I am giving you the traditional Indian dance video of YMCA!! You are welcome world!

Just the Tip of the Day: In every deal, there is an a$$hole, if you don't know who the a$$hole is, look in the mirror. 

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