Wednesday 10 July 2013

Ahh! India is trying to Kill Me! + Selfies!

So apparently India is attempting to kill me. I don’t know if its bugs or a rash, but I’m betting rash. The question is… allergic to what? And if the allergy is something I touched in India. How can I avoid it?!? Everything is everywhere here! The bumps accumulated slowly at first, then boom, tons. The beast has taken over my right shoulder, right arm, part of my left shoulder, and a few spots on my hands, and I think I noticed one on my leg. Haha. Hopefully, this is just heat rash. My landlord told me to go obtain some medicine that reminds me of the nail polish we would put on chigger bites.  Just to be safe, I slept upside down in my bed (like in a black mass) to avoid (seriously thought that would help?) potential critters from feasting on the sweet sweet nectar that is my body.

Anyways, I am going to give it a day or two (or weekend) to see if this stuff heals. Until then, I am rocking out pink slime like a Ghostbuster (2nd movie with the walking lady liberty… does she shave?). Taking a break to go to the bathroom with pink lotion and a book during work is interesting though. I am sure the imaginations off all in the office are off to the races. Pink Lotion + Business Historical Novel + long time in Bathroom = weird fetish about Leverage Buyouts. Hey! I  have to allow the pink sludge to dry! Don’t worry, I am still trucking along!  But hey, at least you get to witness my first selfie. Do bad this is self-deprecating haha. 

Look at the concentration in those eyes! 

Just the Tip of the Day: If it looks like something you shouldn’t touch… you should probably touch it. What’s the worst that could happen? NapolĂ©on didn’t get anywhere by keeping his hand in his jacket… Oh Wait… SH&T… 

1 comment:

  1. omg, we should exchange indian rash photos. i had a doozy from an overnight train on one of my first days in the country. my friend thought i might have to be evacked.
