Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Time to get old school on these suits

I know I bark a little too much in my content about being screwed by the local population (at least kiss me first etc.), but some of the nicest people here are just great great people. Like how I started that? Cause here comes the rant haha. One more article about the white tax. And no, I’m not talking about the little girl’s math skills when it comes to fake henna for Lindsay (No! Each stamp is 10 rupees, not the whole hand for 10 rupees)… then again, who can argue with a cute little girl. I’m pretty sure she took the money and started her own hotel. I recently attempted to dry clean one of my crappy suits that I brought to India. Everyone stop doing the math of dry cleaning vs. how long I have been here right now! I get enough grief from Aubry. The humidity, moths, bugs, mold?, all attacked my clothing, leaving spots that look unseemly, dirty, and buggy. The man wanted 560 for a suit jacket. Mind you I just bought a pair of pants for 595. At this stage, I believe a week ago, I was just too tired to deal. Instead of haggling, I just gave him to choice words and left. Cause you know what? Your great granddaddy didn’t have a dry cleaner and he looked like the freaking original Lehman Brother (before the other was born); therefore, time to get old school. I didn’t want to use laundry detergent because I didn’t know how harsh the chemicals are, but you know what feels good on my body? Soap. Most logical decision I ever made. So, I scrubbed my suits with some soap, washed them with cold water, and hung them to dry. Now the humidity is crazy, so took a few days, but they only look half crappy. If I had a press… I might be good to go. Thanks grandpappy! 

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