Monday 29 July 2013


First off, Lindsay made it!!! After an excruciating ordeal at immigration (due to her inability to fill out forms), she arrived to the land of Mystics! Alright, I will try to get pictures of her antics later, but I’m sure she will on all her social media platforms (she has been taking pictures of everything). So… back to the reason we are here. Blog Post! Since, every sober person in the universe  voted down the confederate flag post-apocalyptic jacket, we had to go back to the drawing board. She is an amazing designer (school in Cali, lived in NY, now designer in Mumbai – Sidebar: almost all of that rhymed). Here are the 4 jacket designs. That are absolutely awesome! Not telling which one I picked, but I believe the search for a leather jacket ends in Mumbai…



Just the Tip of the Day: And here I was wondering why it was so hard to find cow leather in India... Oh wait...

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