Friday, 11 October 2013

Personality in the workplace: A No-No or a Oh Hell Yea!

Let the sun shine in...

Let’s talk about you. Let’s talk about me. Let’s talk about us and see where we can be….
When joining a new firm, you can be intimidated. There are new spaces, new faces, free coffee that is different, yet strangely familiar to your old coffee. You feel like a cockroach, running from the slightest movement or light, hiding in the corners, waiting to multiply. Here is the question though: How much of your personality should you show in your new office? Of course you will acclimate over time, but first impressions are a big thing (firm handshake, easy on the chest hair fella).

Let’s be honest. We are all tame when we first start our job. This is a fact. Some people have no personality in the beginning, slowly letting the weird seep through. Some stay with no personality. Some are full blast personality day one (those A types which I am convinced are a myth created by people to feel good about themselves…another day Johnny… another day).  That first impression will make or break you, and if you pretend to be something you aren’t… God forbid you show your true nature down the road. Most likely your colleagues will feel betrayed, hate you, like that cheating ex you want to…. Another day Johnny… another day…

I believe we are all missing a huge opportunity. Day One, I say be yourself. You want to be a leader? Show your personality and your style Day One. If you don’t they might never consider you a leader. And if you have the cahones to lead and you don’t act like yourself at origination, you wasted time brother. Poof gone. Not coming back. Like your bunny that mysteriously disappeared after you returned from India and your parents shrugged but then fed you this amazing ragu…

I’m not saying treat work like prison, find the biggest guy, shank him and then beat him with a tray, but that’s not the worst idea. Downplaying your awesomeness is a bad idea. You got the job. You are now a consultant. Act like it. You think in house of lies they aren’t themselves? By the way my role is Kristen Bell… sweet.

Show more than you demand. Ask questions. This is natural, but work hard, and don’t be afraid of who you are. If we are all value drivers, then drive hard people! Let's be honest with ourselves... everyone we work with in the consulting industry is pretty damn smart. What will get you to the next level? Being quiet? Or bootstrapping up, being the greatest person on the planet, and letting that sunny disposition through? Follow the quips and rules of leadership, but don’t back down from who you are. Trust me. If they are going to hate you, it is only a matter of time before your true self comes out, and they still hate you. Then you just wasted time. You want to know if the company is a good cultural fit? Then be yourself (not advisable on a client… then be whoever you need to be). So in summary, don’t be afraid to be you. Relish in you. Roll around in it. Get dirty. Have fun, because the drones that follow the herd and are scared… will always be doing that. Following the herd. Risk and reward baby. Now, I’’m going to double down on this dice game in the alley.

On a side note… be yourself, but don’t be a dumbass. Those awesome colloquialisms you invented in B-school? Might want to drop them. I caught myself talking about happy hour last week to a coworker I previously met once. I suggested a different spot, and he agreed saying “I get tired of the same place every Friday.” I jumped on the spot to develop a connection, “I know right? I say, let’s give this place a shot… let’s get weird.” See? Probably could have left that last part out. Do it, do it right, but do it please.

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