Thursday, 3 October 2013

Johnny Consultant: Everything is not fine

As a consultant, we are consistently told to add value. I will have another blog post on buzzwords later, but today’s agenda is a problem. I like the idea of a firm that pushes employees to not just do the job, but to actively add something more. Like that nutmeg in the spaghetti sauce nobody can tell what it is… but dammit, it just feels right.

So recently I relocated to San Francisco. My parents asked me what I thought. I told them all the wonderful things and a few reservations, to which my Mother stated “So… B-minus.” Kinda harsh, but she wants me home. I get that. I am awesome. With all the other bees in my head making the hive nervous, stupid, and paranoid at times, San Francisco is hard to judge. I love it, but the problem might be within. That being said… here it comes… the point!

I was standing outside. In the sun. Looking over the bay. The Golden Gate Bridge to my left, Alcatraz to my right. Just taking a break from a run, a new idea pushed on me as a stress reliever. Crissy Fields. Just a break. The time when my thoughts usually pour back in the full pitcher, and I have to start running again to silence the splashing. I smiled, which has been somewhat difficult lately (muscle spasms… I swear). “I am going to be just fine.”

I commonly imagine myself as Rogue from the X-men... but only the cartoon series

I picked up the pace and ran back to my apartment. I sat on my stoop, cause that’s how I do, catching my breath. Then it hit me. “I’ll be just fine” Really? That’s it Johnny? When did it become okay to “be just fine.” Fine, should not even be in our vocabulary as consultants. Spectacular, Monolithic, Awesome, Amazing, Awesozing. Hell, we should make up our own words because the English language cannot grasp the gravity of what is our lives, our minds, our destinies if we choose.

So when did this cliché of “I’ll be just fine” come into play? When did that become the benchmark? We need accept that “just fine” is not okay. It’s not fine. Hell, it’s not even acceptable. We have grown soft as a people to where “just fine” seems spectacular. The way you should live life. I have never settled for fine. That’s why my life has been a whirlwind of spectacular stories, grave situations, peak topping experiences, passionate love, and deep despairing misery. Because FINE is not an option.
Now in this new job as a consultant, I must relegate that fine is not my destiny or target. If fine gets in my way, I will charge right through, causing as much damage as possible. We should all strive not to only be the best you, but be above the best you. Best should be the benchmark. The indifferent level where you go “Meh, at least I tried.” Be revolutionary.

Do this in all areas of your life. Job, Personal, Recreational, Relationship, All of it. Now I’m not saying act like a badass and tip the IT guy at your office when he fixes Microsoft office because it crashed for the 5th time today. But in your work product, shatter everyone else. And yes it’s not a competition, so bring a few friends along. You are trying to be spectacular, not destroy others so you merely appear spectacular. Einstein wasn’t around disconnecting the Cable on Ben Franklin’s computer. Continuously exceed expectations. Make people’s heads turn. Because if you aren’t being spectacular, you are being normal. You are a stagnation point on the regression of mediocrity. Be an outlier, or quit. Go to the park and play chess with the old guys that have been spectacular all their lives. Give up. So next time that thought enters your mind of “I’ll be just fine,” scream and run away to the sweet, sweet arms of Extreme Superiority. Only then, will your time in the trenches be worthwhile.  

This is how I envision my other self... clapping for you. For being awesome

Side Rant:

Did your grandpappy shooting down Nazi’s think “I’ll be just fine on the bench in Merica.” No he didn’t. Well the draft too… crap. But you get what I am saying. He pulled up his bootstraps marched across Europe (even France… and let’s be honest… they still haven’t forgiven us for helping out). Did your Grandmother say “Oh... he will be just fine?” No way man, she starting pumping iron like Arnold and built freakin planes.  Past generations know fine was not okay, so get with the program!

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